Monday, March 15, 2021

My 7 Day Challenge Was A Flop!

But it really wasn’t.

I refused to stay in the negative of what goes wrong, and focus on the lesson to be learned from whatever negative I’m experiencing. It’s really quite fun since I’ve had this shift in my own mindset.
Anywho, I want to apologize to all of my folks that were committed to the Morning Makeover Challenge. Sharing valuable content here in The Community is a top priority of mine, but I’m learning to voice my authenticity through that, and learning which of my own experiences are valuable enough to turn into content for my readers. Ultimately it’s all valuable, but I’m new to putting my true words out there in dept.
I’m good at encouraging others, and ok at sharing my failures and accomplishments, but there’s so much of my story that I’ve kept hidden. For fear of judgement, backlash, and other things that are just not relevant… but my Nope self likes to remind me of them regularly.
Last week, after about day 4 my Nope self got a pretty good handle on me, but instead of fighting it, I just listened (our Nope self is there to teach us stuff about ourselves) and shifted my attention to my body. I was tired. Both mentally and physically and it just wasn’t good timing to try to implement a Morning Challenge, much less put the pressure on myself since I had already kind of poorly planned the whole thing. Again, I’m learning… the fact that you’re still here and reading this tells me you get it. For that, I’m grateful!
I’m going to take more time to work on the Morning Makeover Challenge, as well as others. Challenges are a great way to achieve goals, try new things, and also develop some new relationships that are positive and encouraging through the journey.
In the meantime, get ready for a bit more real-ness and raw-ness here in The Community.
I’ll leave you with a few quotes that are really helping give me courage in this decision right now.

If you'd like to book a FREE 15 Minute Mindset Maintenance Session with me today, visit My Calendly.

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